Structures on the Moon! |
If an ancient alien civilization built a city on Mars, Hoagland reasoned, why not on the moon and on Earth itself! Looking at photos taken during the lunar missions, including those taken during the Apollo lunar manned landings, he discovered several anomalies. Upon further investigation, he has found that there are immense "crystalline" cities on the moon that are even more advanced than the Cydonia buildings and NASA has known about them since the beginning!
The Discovery
In September, 1992, a few days after lift-off of Mars Observer, Richard Hoagland
acquired a lunar atlas compiled by the Space Science Laboratory of North American
Aviation, Inc. At first glance, each photo resembled the next - distance and close-up,
craters and maria. Then his eye fell to the south-east corner of page 241, where the
crater Triesnecker first appeared in the collection. One xerox enlargement
later, and Richard knew he had taken his first step on what was to become the first
stage of a new research project bridging the gap between the Earth, Mars and now the Moon.
This extraordinary photo revealed an unmistakable image of an equilateral triangle -
the foundation of tetrahedral geometry, the hallmark of hyperdimensional physics & fluid dynamics -
immortalized in a crater in the centre of the Moon. (Adapted from TMM Journal, Vol 2. No.5)
The Structures
The Ukert crater, with a perfect 16 mile equilateral triangle within it!
This crater is located near the centre of the moon as viewed from Earth. At full moon, the triangle can be made out even with a small telescope.
Note also the three brighter areas on the rim of the crater. If they are connected together with straight lines, another equilateral triangle is formed,
resulting in two perfectly interlocking triangles!
Sticking up from an otherwise, flat, rounded, eroded lunar landscape, the "Shard" as it has been named
is one and a half miles tall. Note the shadow to the left of the Shard. The cross shape above the Shard is a camera registration mark (which do
turn up in the most unusual places). Click here for a close-up of the Shard.
To the left of the shard, a faint anomaly was photographed. After printing the negative over and over again
at different exposure levels, and analysing the results with various computer imaging processes, the anomaly was found to be a
massive "tower/cube" hanging more than seven miles above the Moon! Click here for a large version of the Megacube.
Note the highly reflective "debris" surrounding this structure seemingly embedded in a darker material. This looks very much like reflective crystalline material being held
miles above the lunar surface by a framework or matrix of "rebar" (reinforcing bars).
On enlarging one of the small reflective specks in frame 4822 (taken during the manned Apollo 10 mission) a stunningly
complex object is revealed. Nicknamed "The Castle" due to its shape, this object is suspended miles above the lunar surface! A close-up reveals a
"drooping cable" from which the object hangs! Click here for a larger version of the Castle.